Commodities haven't done this in 50 years

Jason Goepfert

Commodities continue to be in the news, and rightfully so.

While lumber is getting all the headlines, commodity participation is broad. The 252-day rate of change for the Bloomberg Commodity Index just crossed above 46%, a level last reached in 1980.

The question we should be asking is the following: Does the current surge represent the initial stages of a new commodity bull market like the early 1970s, or does it represent the typical post-recession recovery roadmap? 

When we look at major commodity contracts and measure the percentage of them with a 252-day rate of change of 50% or more, we can see that the percentage has reached the highest level since the 1970s. Never before in the past 50 years have more than half of them jumped by 50% in a year.

Trouble is, this hasn't been sustainable.

When we look at other instances when the year-over-year change in the Bloomberg Commodity Index was very high, the index showed further gains over the next couple of months only 2 times out of 12 precedents.

Stat Box

On Friday, nearly 40% of Health Care stocks were overbought. According to our Backtest Engine, there have been 43 other days with this high of reading in the past 20 years, preceding an average 1-month return in XLV of -0.6%. 

What else we're looking at

  • More details on the commodity surge, including impacts on other markets
  • Among commodities, corn is showing a setup between seasonality, trend, and sentiment